
Thank you to our wonderful speakers for delivering workshops in 2024.

  • VUW

    Centre for Academic Development, Victoria University of Wellington

Konstantina Vasileva

Victoria University of Wellington

  • CeR

    Centre for eResearch

Noel Zeng

University of Auckland

  • CeR

    Centre for eResearch

Laura Armstrong

University of Auckland

  • CeR

    Centre for eResearch

Martin Feller

University of Auckland

  • CeR

    Centre for eResearch

Yvette Wharton

Centre for eResearch

  • CeR

    Centre for eResearch

Chris Seal

University of Auckland

  • CeR

    Centre for eResearch

Nick Young

Centre for eResearch

  • CeR

    Centre for eResearch

Jens Brinkmann

University of Auckland

  • Academic Consulting

    Academic Consulting

Lyn Lavery

Academic Consulting

  • VUW

    Research Office, Victoria University of Wellington

Matt Plummer

Victoria University of Wellington

  • VUW

    Centre for Academic Development, Victoria University of Wellington

Andre Geldenhuis

University of Auckland

  • NeSI

    New Zealand eScience Infrastructure

Callum Walley

New Zealand eScience Infrastructure

  • NeSI

    New Zealand eScience Infrastructure

Eirian Perkins

New Zealand eScience Infrastructure

  • CeR

    Centre for eResearch

Tom Saunders

University of Auckland

  • CeR

    Centre for eResearch

Ben Collings

University of Auckland

  • CeR

    Centre for eResearch

Quinn Asena

University of Wisconsin-Madison

  • ACC


Tim McNamara


  • FOS

    Faculty of Science

Anthony Blaom

University of Auckland

  • FMHS

    Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences

Amanda Charlton

University of Auckland

  • Otago

    University of Otago

Murray Cadzow

University of Otago

  • LLS

    Libraries and Learning Services

Erin Wood

University of Auckland

  • NeSI

    New Zealand eScience Infrastructure

Anthony Shaw

New Zealand eScience Infrastructure

  • CeR

    Centre for eResearch

Nidhi Gowdra

University of Auckland

  • CeR

    Centre for eResearch

Victor Gambarini

University of Auckland

  • UoO

    University of Otago

Mandy Phipps-Green

University of Otago

  • UC

    University of Canterbury

Anton Angelo

University of Canterbury

  • UoA

    University of Auckland

Geremy Hema

University of Auckland

  • CeR

    Centre for eResearch

Nelis Drost

University of Auckland

  • CeR

    Centre for eResearch

Simon Esling

University of Auckland

  • UoA

    University of Auckland

Hinearangi Busby

University of Auckland

  • VUW

    Centre for Academic Development, Victoria University of Wellington

Hayden Thorne

Victoria University of Wellington

  • VUW

    Victoria University of Wellington

Lisa Woods

Victoria University of Wellington

  • LLS

    University of Auckland

Ana Avilés

University of Auckland

  • ORSI

    University of Auckland

Julia Mouatt

University of Auckland

  • University of Auckland

Michael Karich

University of Auckland

  • University of Auckland

Cherie Lacey

University of Auckland

  • University of Auckland

Li Wang

University of Auckland

  • University of Auckland

Luis Gracia

University of Auckland

  • University of Auckland

Berit Anderson

University of Auckland

  • University of Auckland

Simmon Hofstetter

University of Auckland

  • University of Auckland

James Love

University of Auckland

  • University of Auckland

Tom Laurenson

University of Auckland

  • University of Auckland

Andrew Wilson

University of Auckland

  • University of Auckland

Larissa Renfrew

University of Auckland

  • CeR

    Centre for eResearch

Sarah Hopkins

University of Auckland

  • NeSI

    New Zealand eScience Infrastructure

John Whiting

New Zealand eScience Infrastructure

  • University of Auckland

Dawn Carlisle

University of Auckland

  • University of Auckland

Katrina Poppe

University of Auckland

  • University of Auckland

Vanessa Selak

University of Auckland

  • CeR

    Centre for eResearch

Shamim Shadfar

University of Auckland

  • Otago

    University of Otago

Jonathan Williman

University of Otago, Christchurch

  • ORSI

    University of Auckland

Victoria Hewitt

University of Auckland

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